Places I have visited

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

FAFSA is a pain

So far I thought only the application process was painful and long. But atleast they are interesting. The work I am doing now, including getting transcripts, applying for FAFSA pin (thrice..twice they never issued me one..dont know why?) and getting all financial documents ready, filling tonsa applications on other scholarships etc etc..The list goes on..

The temparature outside today is a balmy 26F(-3C) Much better than yesterday's 14F. But since I am holding on to my new years resolution of getting fit before school, I am going to the gymn today. An hour of exercises followed by walking up and down with my newborn son should burn enough calories for a day...ciao..

Monday, January 22, 2007

Damn the Colts...

The weekend was so good until the last minutes of the play off game between Patriots and Colts. We were so winning until the last 2 minutes..ugggggghhh..I dont have so much problem loosing but only when we were poised to win from the beginning and the win was snatched from our hands in the last two minutes..But great game indeed.and Colts did play very well and Manning was amazing with his long plays.

I have started planning my trip to Europe this summer. I am not sure where and when we would go but I would like to go in a low season. I have experienced both low season and high season travel in Europe and believe me when I tell this, Please do not go to Europe in high season. Every place is crowded, everything is expensive and you will hate the heat.

On the home front, my infant son had a tough weekend with all the collic in the world affecting the little one's sleep. I cant wait for him to get to the phase where he doesnt have all the digestive problems and can just belch away his gas like grown men do. I hope by the time we start school in Fall, he will be a good baby and can take to new people and surroundings well. That being said, I dont have any issues on that front about my sweet little dog, my first son. He is so so people friendly, I am sure my school friends are going to just love him.

Just wanted to start the Monday with some whining..All done..Now let me start my official week..Go to work.

Have a good week fellas..

Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Years Resolutions..

Since my inaugural post, I have not started my posting at all. The reason, my newborn son. He has been in some sort of pain for the past six weeks and nothing we do seems to soothe him. But my really-sweet wife (promise she doesn't have time to read blogs, so my salutation is genuine) has been trying to give me enough sleep time so I can work the next day. So I should blog more frequently. That's my first new years resolution.
I also decided that since I am starting school this Fall, I should start working out again and if not six pack abs, at least a couple would suffice so I could tuck in my shirt. I have kept up this promise for the last three days working out for an hour each day. I feel good already.
As far as work front was concerned, I have decided to focus there more, since I will be here only for the next 8 months and I wanted to leave with a good impression. My super sweet Manager, a very nice man who was very supportive during the rough times with my son, will be little disappointed with the news of my leaving, but I sincerely hope he understands my need for a change of direction.
And I will do couple of trips before the school, one inside the U.S and one international.

I think this will constitute enough for the first blog. Cheers all.